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  • Crystals To Help You Sleep

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Jewelry FAQ

Glad you asked.
How do you select the stones you make into Power Pieces?

I have always, for better or for worse, had excellent shopping radar. I rely upon that and my intuition to draw me to whatever I need to see, either for myself or my clients and customers. I have personal favorites, of course but love discovering new crystals.

Crystals are certainly beautiful, but can they really affect one’s state of mind or wellbeing?

They absolutely can, and do. The short and minimally scientific answer is that crystals each have their own set molecular structure which emits energy at a constant, high frequency. Each unique human being emits energy at varying frequencies all the time, and that variance is based on any number of factors such as one’s emotional or physical state, stress level, level of consciousness, etc. When we wear, hold, or are close to crystals, our frequency automatically rises, presumably to the level of the crystal’s frequency. Besides, they just feel so good to wear and behold.

Many of the descriptions of your Power Pieces mention Chakras; what are they?

“Chakra” is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel. Chakras are essentially the energy centers of the body, according to Buddhist and Hindu tradition. There are seven main Chakras which correspond to large nerve centers in the physical body, each with their own color, sound (mantra), and characteristics. They are located along the central channel of the body, from the base of the spine to the top of the head.

Ideally one’s Chakras are aligned and balanced, which allows energy to flow as it should. But living in modern society it is quite easy for them to become unbalanced.

Incorporating the usage of crystals in one’s daily life is one of the very doable things we can all easily take advantage of to help to keep our Chakras in good shape, although not all crystals necessarily correspond to Chakras. Generally it is thought that wearing a crystal corresponding to a particular Chakra will help support that Chakra and bring it into or keep it in balance.

Here is a brief description of each of the seven:

  1. Root Chakra: Our foundation, stability, security and basic needs. Located at the base of the spine. Associated with the color Red.
  2. Sacral Chakra: Our center of creativity and sexuality. Located a couple of inches below the navel. Associated with the color Orange.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra: The source of our personal power. Located at the navel area. Associated with the color Yellow.
  4. Heart Chakra: Our center of love, connection and forgiveness, the Heart Chakra also unites the lower three Chakras which pertain to matter and the upper three Chakras which pertain to spirit. Located at the heart, and associated with the color Pink.
  5. Throat Chakra: The source of verbal expression and the extent to which we are able to speak our individual truth. Located at the base of the throat. Associated with the color Sky Blue.
  6. Third Eye Chakra: The Third Eye is the center of our intuition and it is located between the eyebrows. Associated with the color Indigo.
  7. Crown Chakra: Our center of enlightenment and spiritual connection to our highest self and the Divine. Located at the top of the head. Associated with the color Purple.

There are many excellent and fascinating books on the Chakra system and how to keep yours humming along in top form. I’m happy to refer you to a few of my favorites if you’d like.

Do you do anything to your crystals to prepare them?

Definitely. As soon as a crystal comes into my possession I cleanse it to clear its energy, as I know it has traveled far to get to me. There are many ways to do this but most often I soak each crystal for more than 24 hours in cold fresh water mixed with sea salt. I do the same before the crystal Power Piece is given over to its eventual owner.

Do you make all of the Power Pieces yourself?

Yes I do, I select each crystal and do all of the metalworking (silver and goldsmithing) myself.

If I have a crystal I’d like to have made into a Power Piece, or if I’d like you to select or purchase a crystal for me based on my needs, interests or concerns, can you do that for me?

I’d be absolutely delighted to work with you on a custom Power Piece, and these can be made in any precious metal you’d like, price to be determined. Contact me here so we can discuss.

Is there anything I can/should do to keep my Power Piece as powerful and as beautiful as it was when it came into my possession?

Absolutely.  First of all, wear it a lot. And when you’re not wearing it, keep it safe and handle it with care so that it doesn’t crack or chip. Cleanse your Power Piece as often as you like (once a month is probably enough), either using the method I’ve described above, or any other method you might prefer. (There’s a wealth of information online on the subject or I’m happy to refer you to sources if you wish.)

What medium do you use for your sculptures?

I sculpt in clay and have certain pieces cast in acrylic such as the one available for purchase. Each is about 6” wide by about 14” long and they are cast on a custom basis and thus are available in a variety of colors.